Author: Steve K

Herb too dry? How to re hydrate your cannabis

To dry, resin braking off and the sticky is gone?    In dry climates its often that cannabis connoisseur run into this issue.   Never fear there is a cure for this ailment. Scouring the internet you can find a bunch of ways to re hydrate your wonderful herb.  Below are some ways we have discovered. […]

3 Best Tasting Strains on the Planet

3 Undisputed, Best Tasting Strains on the Planet A lot of people tend to choose the strain of marijuana they smoke based on its name. While the name of a particular strain can be a good selling point for it, many others choose the strain they want in a more scientific approach based on the […]

Cryptocurrency and Cannabis

Cryptocurrency and the Cannabis Industry It seems like America is under the spell of two things at the moments, both of which have charmed people to no end, and continue to grow in their influence. Both are mavericks in their own right, and both challenge the corrupt status quo, while being opposed viciously by those […]

Top 4 Versatile Hybrid Strains of Cannabis

Top 4 Versatile Hybrid Strains of Marijuana If you happen to be one of the lucky people living in a state that has legalized the use of marijuana, you are very likely to be familiar with the different strains of marijuana. With plenty of different strains of marijuana, there are only so many that can […]

Dab Spoons turn down for what???

Terp Spoon, Dab Spoon, Sauce Spoon or Distillate Spoon??? Each day in this industry is like a brand new day in evolution.  Last week I had a friend from Garden of the Budz hit me up to ask about these spoons.  I was like ya, those are neat and look fun to make.  Not only […]

Elev8ing with Hops and Rocko, two of the industries top glass blowers!

A duo of brilliance with Hops and Rocko The great thing about the AGE show is the chance to meet some of the industries leaders and my mentors!  Walking along I happen to find two talented artists that go by the names of Hops Glass and Rocko.    Hops started blowing glass back in October […]

Interview with Emily Marie – A Glass Blowing Artist by Elev8 Presents

The One and Only Emily Marie During the 2018 AGE show, I was fortunate enough to start my day standing in line behind Emily.  Luckily I was introduced to her by Becca, an Elev8 Doll, so I had to ask if I could get an interview with Emily.  To my surprise, she said no problem with […]

Interview with David Graeber glass artist by Elev8 Presents!

A moment in time with David Graeber. While at the 2018 Age Trade show I was very fortunate to find an amazing artist named David Graeber.  Walking by his booth this giant marble grabs my eye and my mind was blown!  Lucky for me David was kind enough to give me some of his time […]

First Look: Pro Trim Elite Auto Scissors

First Auto Scissors That Resemble The Industry Standard Fisker Scissors.   The plant is the hart of this expanding industry.  As the industry expands so does the way we cut the plant down.  Cutting a plant can take many hours and can be tough on the hand.  Opening and closing scissors over a long period […]

Bringing in the new year with Elev8 Presents

How Elev8 Premier does the New Year How do you end the year and bring in the new one?  Matt Z. at Elev8 Premier ends the year with a rig and starts the new year with a rig.  As time is short and he stretches his skill set, he did this year a little different.  […]
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Elev8 with the new Elev8R vaporizer

Elev8 Presents How-To Videos