Author: Elev8 Presents


What does Thigmotropism mean? In plant biology, any type of ‘tropism’ is a plant’s physical response to some sort of external stimuli, such as water, lighting, chemicals, etc. The response is typically movement of some sort. Thigmotropism specifically refers to a plant’s natural response to physical contact. According to botanists, both abiotic and biotic requirements are needed […]


What does Thermotropism mean? In plant biology, any type of ‘tropism’ is a plant’s physical response to some sort of external stimuli. The response is typically movement of some sort. Thermotropism is a form of tropism (movement) whereby the plant displays a growth response or movement according to changes in temperature. For example, rhododendrons often display physical […]

Thermal Weed Control

What does Thermal Weed Control mean? Thermal weed control is a flash-burn method used for killing weeds. It is done through the use of a torch in order to damage or kill the leaf membranes of weeds. By burning the leaves, thermal weed control shuts down a plant’s ability of photosynthesize and essential kills it. More Info […]

Therapeutic Hemp

What does Therapeutic Hemp mean? The term therapeutic hemp refers to strains of cannabis that do not contain enough tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) to render a psychoactive reaction when ingested by the user. Strains of therapeutic hemp have been bred intentionally for the medicinal marijuana industry to provide patients with elevated levels of cannabidiol (CBD), which is said to […]

THC Ministry

What does THC Ministry mean? The THC Ministry, an abbreviation of The Hawai’i Ministry of Cannabis Sacrament, is a religious organization that was founded in Hawaii by Roger Christie in June 2000. It centers on the belief that cannabis is the “tree of life” and that God gave it to man in order to heal himself, explore […]


What does Thatch mean? Thatch refers to the layers of organic matter that gather around and under grass on lawns. Thatch contains different types of substances, both living and dead, such as roots, rhizomes, stolons, and crowns. In some cases, thatch can actually be beneficial to the grass plants by protecting them from large moisture and temperature […]

Thai Stick

What does Thai Stick mean? Thai sticks are the original blunt: a marijuana leaf wrapped around bud material to form a marijuana cigar. The cigar was then skewered on a stem or a bamboo stick. Thai Stick is also a pure sativa strain of marijuana brought to the US from Thailand, and the term Thai sticks can […]

Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV)

What does Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV)mean? Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) is one of the most commonly occurring chemicals in the cannabis plant. A cannabinoid, THCV is closely related to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). While the two molecules of THCV and THC are almost identical, it is the ways they are synthesized in the plant that are distinctive. THCA is believed to have […]

Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid (THCA)

What does Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid (THCA)mean? Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) is a cannabis compound. Unlike marijuana’s famous tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which gives the user the characteristic high that makes weed usage famous, tetrahydrocannabinol acid is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that researchers have found in both raw and live cannabis plants. As the marijuana plant’s leaves, stems, buds, and flowers dry […]

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

What does Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) (THC)mean? Tetrahydrocannabinol, better referred to as THC, is the cannabinoid in cannabis plants that gives the user a “high.” THC is the most abundant and desirable of the cannabinoids present in marijuana. Although THC is produced by the entire plant, it is present in higher concentrations in the leaves and flowers. More […]
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