Return to frequently asked questions Your 7th Floor Vaporizer like the Silver Surfer, Super Surfer or Da Buddha has been designed to run al day. Yes, 24/7 as it also is a wax melt warmer.
Eventually all things will fail, the good news is the 7th Floor line of vapes have been known to run 10+ years. If your vape does fail, contact us up at to get it fixed up. The cost of repair is generally around $25-$35 not including shipping. Many of the parts are easy to […]
Changing you screen or keeping it clean really makes the vaporizing experience much better than a clogged screen. We suggest changing your screen ever 10-15 bowls, or when you notice your wand becoming clogged. You may have to clean or change it more often if you are vaping hash, keif or some really really good […]
Rubber tubing smells bad and gives a taste that is less pleasurable, and is not available in a food-grade variant.
The tubing for the 7th Floor Vaporizers are made from a food grade vinyl tubing made in the USA to a specific durometer that allows the tubing to be softer than the standard tubing you would find at home depot. The tubing can reach temperatures of 250 safely. Way below the temperature that the tubing […]
To fill or use your butane torch we recommend checking out this blog . Always fill your torch upside down and always do this outside. When you are done with your torch make sure 100% you have turned it all the way off.
Yes, the 19mm sick clip will work for that. It may get hot because it is right next to the heat source, but that clip will hold the two pieces of glass together. You may also find it is very hard to put this on and off. We suggest a Silver Surfer if you want […]
Silver Surfer 3 years, Da Buddha 3 years, Super Surfer 2 years, SideKick 1 year, Wax Maxer Vape Pen is 90 days, Pro Trim Elite Scissors is 1 year. Warranties can be found in the product manual
By today’s standards, a vape pen and a mod are vaporizers. Technically they are atomizers that atomize the oils and e-juice essentially vaporizing the oils. This is almost the same thing as vaporizing so for lamen terms they are the same. A true vaporizer uses the proper heat to get the oils to the proper […]
We are in the works for this as we speak. The Puffco Peak is all the hype right now and we will make any product cooler with Elev8 Glass and by meticulously curating the proper goods to Elev8 the products we sell.