Near the end of 1982, while the Internet as we know it was just a little newborn baby, some genius coined the term “netiquette,” to describe the unwritten, but implied rules for human behavior and interaction across the web. While we’ve pretty much broken every rule of netiquette that ever existed, there are still a few glimmers of hope for humanity.
From holding the door for the next person as you’re walking in to 7-11, to giving up your seat at the bus stop for an elderly person to take a load off, to attending birthday parties for your friends’ children who are under the age of 5, to the venerated traditions of the “puff, puff, pass” phenomenon, we’ve still got this humanity thing locked down.
So, how does vaping fit into helping the world spin as it should? Well, if it’s party time, you need to practice good vapetiquette, which is a word we totally just made up. Seriously, Microsoft Word is freaking out so hard right now. Vapetiquette. That’s right. Add to dictionary.
Group Vaping 101 – Don’t Be Gross
While your SideKick portable vaporizer is perfect for grabbing a little vape on the go, desktop vaporizers like the Super Surfer are definitely the best choice for a group setting. Whether you go with the whip assembly or a bag (the Super Surfer is capable of filling up to even a 10-foot bag), it bears mentioning that you and your comrades will be sharing the same mouthpiece during your vape session.
Now, it’s true that sharing is caring, but that doesn’t count for viruses or other microbial goodies. If you’re dealing with the sniffles or with a cold sore outbreak, skip the desktop pass-around and enjoy a vape from your own SideKick.
If you’re in good health and confident in your ability not to spread any cooties (keep in mind that circle, circle, dot, dot vaccinations expire the first time you make a car insurance payment), partake! But be conscious of your mouthpiece technique. Nobody wants to go next after you’ve tickled your tonsils with the mouthpiece.
Group Vaping 102 – Puff, Puff, Pass
It’s easy to get excited when you’re enjoying a little group time. However, manners must prevail. Fight the urge to take a giant, bogarting, Snoop Dogg lung-full. You can always refill that chamber, but wounds inflicted in the heat of group vaping take many moons to heal.
Oh, and for goodness sake, pass to the left. ALWAYS PASS TO THE LEFT.
Group Vaping 103 – Don’t Be That Guy
You know what we mean. THAT guy. Like your cousin Eric who, despite having money for an Apple Watch, inexplicably never has money for his half of the delicious meat lover’s pizza you just ordered. We’re working through that.
Anyway, if you’re headed to a group vape session, be sure and have something to bring to the table – refreshing drinks, tempting nachos, season one of The Wire on Blu-ray, a deck of cards to play rummy, or even some extra vaporizing material. If your host is insisting on providing all the good stuff, make a mental note to bring something extra for the next time. Pitching in for a good time will almost always mean you get an invitation for the next group vaping sesh.
Until next time, Ride the Wave!